Caring for Your Window Washer and Squeegee:

  1. Avoid Water Soaking: Never leave the squeegee in water, as prolonged exposure can damage the rubber. Protect the integrity of the rubber blade by keeping it dry when not in use.

  2. Microfiber Sleeve Care: After each task, remove the microfiber sleeve. Wash it in a washing machine with laundry liquid, ensuring not to use fabric softener. Fabric softeners can diminish the microfiber's absorbency and cleaning effectiveness.

  3. Drying Options: Once washed, you can either tumble dry or hang the microfiber sleeve out to dry.

  4. Rubber Replacement: Keep an eye on the rubber blade for signs of warping. If you notice any warping, it's a clear signal to invest in a new rubber blade for optimal window cleaning results.

By following these specific care steps, you'll preserve the performance and lifespan of your microfiber sleeve, contributing to consistently clear and streak-free windows.